Rules of the Game:
1. Post the rules.
2. Post 12 fun facts about yourself in your blog post.
3. Answer the questions that the tagger has set for you in their post; then create 12 new questions for the people that you tag.
4. Tag 12 people and link them in your post.
5. Let them know that you’ve tagged them.
Wowza…this may be my longest post ever! Okay! I was tagged by Katie and Sarah, so here is my little taggy post!
12 Things

1. My husband is a CPA, but he is currently pursuing his MBA at Texas Christian University! I am so proud of all his hard work.
2. I love to watch basketball!
3. I am 4’11” and my husband is 6’6″…really interesting engagement photo shoot.
4. Last year I met Ina Garten at a book signing. I was completely starstruck.
5. I love Home Alone. “Buzz your girlfriend, woof.”
6. One of my best friends has been my best friend since we were seven years old. We calculated that we have probably eaten at Taco Bueno almost 200 times together in our life. Sad, but true. We have many options in the DFW area, but even two weeks ago, where did we go? Taco Bueno.
7. Want to get really random? I have a strange interest in books, movies or TV shows about organized crime, cartel, the mafia, etc.
8. When I was a little girl, I would often wake up in the night, and I would drag my little brother out of his bed. With a flashlight under the covers, I would make him practice reading from an old basal. He claims that I made him hate reading. I think I was born to be a reading teacher.
9. I don’t wake up in the night anymore. I fall asleep instantly and always sleep at least 7-8 hours with no wake ups
10. I love Ralph Lauren sheets, especially when cold and crisp…
11. My husband has greatly expanded my movie watching: Last year we saw 9 out of 10 Best Picture nominees.
12. I hate replacing toilet paper on the toilet paper holder. I hate how you have to pop that little spring thing out. I don’t know why, I just do.
Katie’s Questions

1. What is the most rewarding part of being a teacher? When students show kindness and empathy in their actions towards one another. Warms my heart. And, of course seeing their reading improvements!
2. What is your go to school lunch? Grapes, blueberries, and cucumbers make the cut almost everyday.. Lots of leftovers: chicken and black beans, soup or pasta. and chobani yogurt.
3. If you could teach any grade, what would you choose and why? Oh dear. I will get back to you when I’ve completed a whole year in 5th.
4. Are you a morning or night showered? Both, depends on when I work out. Don’t like going to bed if I feel dirty.

5. When did you know you were going to be a teacher? Probably age 4.
6. What is your biggest life accomplishment? Anytime my parents have been proud of me, getting Mason Orr to marry me, and teaching kids to read.
7. If you were not a teacher, what would you be? I would love to work at a Children’s hospital, maybe occupational therapy?
8. Where is your favorite place to shop at? Target, Dillards, Nordstrom, Loft, Lilly, J Crew, Hobby Lobby. Oh wait, the question didn’t say “places” oops! 🙂
9. What teaching blog do you stalk the most? Tara at 4th Grade Frolics
10. What is your favorite technology that you have in your classroom? My Smartboard!
11. Who has influenced you the most as an educator? I had some AMAZING college professors who inspired me so much. Undergrad and grad. But, in the last few years I would have to say it is the reading specialist on my campus. She puts so much thought and intention into everything she does. She is brilliant and she is a master at explaining EVERYTHING. I love her intention, and I try to do the same.
12. What is your favorite subject or class to teach? Reading. I also loved teaching science in 2nd grade!

Sara’s Questions

1. Where do you like to shop? everywhere
2. What’s your favorite color? Pink, Blue and white.
3. What is a job you think is neat, but would never do? surgeon! Fascinating.
4. Do you like to travel? YES!!!
5. What’s your favorite place you’ve ever been to? I love London, I think it is spectacular. And I think Paris and Disneyworld are both magical.
6. What do you take/eat for lunch at school? check!
7. Do you have any pets? Two sweet dogs! A lab and an Australian shepherd mix.
8. What is your favorite day of the week? Why? Sunday: church, relaxation and usually some family or friend time.
9. What is your favorite season? Anything but winter.
10. What is your favorite holiday? Christmas and Easter.
11. Beach or snow? BEACH. I hate cold weather.
12. What’s your favorite number? 7
My questions:
1. If you could travel anywhere in the world, where would you go?
2. If you had to live in a city besides your own, what would your top choices be?
3. Do you follow any sports teams?
4. What is one lesson/topic that you get REALLY excited about teaching?
5. If you had to go back and get another degree, what would you pursue?
6. What is your favorite dessert, or two?
7. If you could re-do any year in your life, which one would you choose and why?
8. What do you like on your hamburger?
9. What is your favorite type of marker or pen?
10. What is your favorite recipe?
11. Do you have a song that makes you cry? What is it?
12. If you had to go on a reality show what show would you want to be a part of?

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